FAQ on implementing the University’s DMS
What is a document management system (DMS)?
A DMS facilitates the handling of digital documents in a single environment.
Why do we need a document management system at Universität Hamburg?
The pandemic, among other things, revealed the need for digital documents for a modern, flexible working environment and collaboration. The DMS is part and parcel of the University’s New Work Strategy.
What are the advantages of a DMS (for my own work)?
- quick access to electronic documents
- location-independent access to electronic documents
- simplified search for and within digital documents
- clarity thanks to clear recording of who worked when on which documents
- all electronic documents in one place
- simplified collaboration on electronic documents
- support for automated business processes for handling electronic documents
What will the DMS at Universität Hamburg look like and what will it be able to do?
Universität Hamburg has decided to use the document management system (DMS) offered by d.velop and contracted them to implement the software in November. Universität Hamburg staff can take an initial look at the d.velop standard user interface on YouTube. Be aware that this interface is being specifically adapted for Universität Hamburg.
A document management system (DMS) at Universität Hamburg offers 7 main functions:
1. Intelligent filing: An integrated DMS puts an end to manual filing and creates a central document structure in the system, with all relevant documents included in a digital file.
2. Archiving: Digital archiving allows for location-independent access, fulfills statutory requirements for secure storage of data, and protects against changes.
3. Interfaces with current systems: The DMS integrates itself seamlessly into existing work environments such as Microsoft Office 365 and STiNE.
4. Quick search: Central storage and intelligent indexing means the DMS reduces search times to just a few seconds, increases efficiency, and saves valuable working time. In addition to many more functions, the DMS offers, for example, a full text search in PDF documents.
5. Process automation: Integrated workflow-management systems automate business processes, reduce the burden of routine tasks for staff, and increase productivity.
6. Cross-University collaboration: Documents can be edited in digital files, which allows for simultaneous editing, versioning, and optimization of access authorization to permit effective collaboration.
7. Optimizing for a crisis-proof home office: A cloud-based DMS offers flexibility for home office and mobile apps allow documents to be accessed from anywhere. Digital document management plays an essential role for flexibility in home office.
Which areas will be using the DMS?
The DMS should be used throughout the entire University. Implementation, however, will only proceed step-by-step.
In the Basis subproject, we will ensure that the DMS includes functions required for most document-based procedures at the University. This means that after the University DMS team has implemented the system, all other desired procedures can be integrated gradually into the system.
Only special requirements related to individual procedures will be addressed in separate subprojects. Currently, these are projects related to student files, property data management, and contract management.
At the moment, personnel files and invoicing are not being incorporated because other digitalization projects for these processes are being planned. However, we are taking interfaces between these systems into account.
What about ELDORADO, SharePoint, and other systems?
The future DMS will completely replace ELDORADO. All data will be migrated.
Gradually, all document-based procedures from other systems will be transferred to the DMS.
Is the DMS accessible for disabled individuals?
Yes, the d.velop DMS is obliged to observe the accessibility requirements in accordance with the BITV 2.0. Due to incomplete evidence of compliance at the time of awarding the contract, a deadline was set for the submission of an external expert opinion showing the existing degree of compliance. In addition, d.velop is required to present a road map showing how requirements will be completely fulfilled.
Why is the introduction of roles and rights administration important for a DMS?
This role and rights administration ensures targeted access to information, encourages data security, and optimizes work processes.
The three most important aspects of role and rights administration in a DMS are:
- levels and types of rights: clear access rights, fine-grained adaptations, specialized rights
- user and group management: efficient administration through simple allocation of rights through group organization
- revision security and logging: activity logging for traceability, recognition of unauthorized access, revision security
How stable is the DMS?
Universität Hamburg will provide the DMS with enough server capacity to ensure optimal performance. We use a load balancer*, regular capacity expansions, and comprehensive monitoring to ensure system stability including at high capacity.
Should instability occur despite these measures, d.velop ensures a swift and competent response to identify and address problems quickly and thus ensure maximum DMS availability.
* Load balancing refers to the distribution of computing load between two or more computers.
How is revision security ensured in the DMS?
Revision security in the d.velop DMS is ensured by specific elements, including document versioning, seamless change tracking, and the ability to restore old versions. All activity is listed in a comprehensive audit trail, while the effective authorization management ensures only authorized users can access specific documents. Electronic signatures offer binding legal authentication, and long-term archive functions ensure statutory retention requirements are observed. Encryption and other security measures protect against unauthorized access and data manipulation.
One of our significant challenges was to restrict the ability to make changes according to specific status rankings. This makes it possible to restrict the editing rights to authorized individuals, or prevent editing entirely. This specific requirement is a determinative and integral part of ensuring revision security in the d.velop DMS.