1. Preamble Planning Secure International Cooperation
Researchers at Universität Hamburg collaborate internationally in numerous ways, cooperating both formally and nonformally. In principle, formal cooperations are concluded by an agreement that defines a legal framework for the collaboration. In nonformal cooperations, researchers work together without such a formal basis.
If you conduct research and collaborate internationally, you bear a great responsibility. Commit to universal values, ethical principles, and good academic practice. Avoid having your research and research results misdirected or used improperly (e.g., for military purposes). Be aware of the legal framework in international cooperation—this becomes far more important if the cooperation content is relevant to export control regulations.
In both formal and nonformal cooperations, Universität Hamburg researchers are required to inform themselves about the legal framework as well as the risks and dangers of the cooperation in question in order to protect themselves, the reputation of Universität Hamburg, the cooperation partners, and the research results.