Student assistants (SHK) / tutors / administrative student assistants
This page contains all important information about employing research and student assistants (SHK), tutors, and administrative student assistants.
Research and student assistants (SHK) are employed in support of academic services in teaching and research.
Student assistants are assigned temporary tasks in technical, library and administrative services.
Tutors assist in teaching, supervise exchange students, and offer tutorials.
Information on new hiring procedure
At Universität Hamburg a new hiring procedure for student and research assistants as well as tutors will be implemented as a digital workflow via SharePoint. As part of a pilot project, the procedure will first be introduced in June 2023 in the Department of Earth System Sciences in the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences.
NB: The new hiring application can be used only by the Department of Earth System Sciences, all other employment offices continue to use the previous PDF applications! You can find them at the bottom of this website.
Tips on opening PDF documents
NB: Save forms by clicking right on the mouse and open with Adobe Reader.