General information on working time
Full-time positions for pay scale employees currently comprise 39 hours per week and 40 hours for civil servants.
Working time for public sector employees are regulated under the collective wage agreement for the public sectors of the German states (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder, TV-L). Civil servants’ working time fall under the working hours regulations for civil servants (Verordnung über die Arbeitszeit der Beamtinnen und Beamten, ArbzVO).
In addition, the working time regulations for technical, library, and administrative staff have been further developed by the service agreement on flexible working time and the introduction of operating hours at Universität Hamburg dated 1 November 2023 (PDF, in German only) and, for academic staff, by the administrative order on working hours (Verwaltungsanordnung über die Dienstzeit) dated 18 December 1996 (PDF, in German only)erwaltungsanordnung über die Dienstzeit vom 18.12.1996 (PDF, in German only).
Vacation regulations for academic staff
The administrative order on working hours (Verwaltungsanordnung über die Dienstzeit) dated 18 December 1996 (PDF, in German only)erwaltungsanordnung über die Dienstzeit von 18.12.1996 (PDF, in German only) continues to apply academic staff. However, due to the special nature of teaching and research activities, academic staff are exempt from the obligation to adhere to the working time frame, core working time, and the obligation to record working time specified in the order.
Regulations for technical, library, and administrative staff
Together with the Technical, Library and Administrative Staff Council (TVPR), City authorities have negotiated a new service agreement on flexible working time and the introduction of operating hours at Universität Hamburg.
The service agreement came into effect on 01 November 2023 and applies to all technical, library, and administrative employees.
Overview of the previous and new regulations for technical, library, and administrative staff
Previous regulation | New regulation | From when, and to whom does it apply? |
Working time: 6:30 am–7 pm |
Working time: 6 am–8 pm |
It applies immediately for all technical, library, and administrative staff, excluding part-time employees whose agreed work schedule provides for different working hours. Where previous working hours have been set, these new hours apply without the need for adjustment. |
Full-time core hours: Mon–Thu 9 am–3 pm and Fri 9 am–2 pm |
On formation of organization units core hours cease and operating hours apply (exceptions may be made, part-time employees subject to agreed working schedules). | On formation of organizational units for technical, library, and administrative staff working in that unit. |
Operating hours: not provided for |
Operating hours: Mon–Thu 8:45 am–4 pm and Fri 9 am–2 pm |
On formation of the organizational unit for those within it, where no other regulations have been made. |
10 negative hours–20 additional hours, capped | 40 negative hours–80 additional hours (adjusted to ratio of part-time where applicable) Hours that exceed the limit are no longer forfeited at the end of the month. However, in this case, the employee and their manager must ensure that the employee’s worked time account balance quickly returns to a permitted level, ideally within one month and taking into account the organizational unit’s work-related matters. | It applies immediately for all technical, library, and administrative staff |
Compensatory time off maximum 1 day per month or 2 x ½ day per month; maximum 3 working days in a row per 6 months | Credited time can be compensated by taking off hours, a whole day, or several days from work; however, employees must take into account work-related matters and consult their supervisor/manager. Generally, there is no longer a limit to the number of compensatory days that can be taken per month. | It applies immediately for all technical, library, and administrative staff |
Division in organizational units
Work areas will be divided into organizational units during an implementation phase, until 31 October 2024 at the latest. With the formation of organizational units, operating hours will apply to the respective areas in order to provide employees with more flexible working time and, at the same time, increase services through improved availability. Operating hours are the period of time during which individual organizational units must ensure they are operational and available; however, individual employees are not necessarily required to be present. Operating hours are generally defined as Monday to Thursday, 8:45 am–4 pm, and Friday, 9 am–2 pm.
Service agreement FAQ
Read through the FAQ for answers to any further questions you have about the new service agreement on flexible working time and the introduction of operating hours at Universität Hamburg. If you find questions that you feel have not been adequately answered in the FAQ, send them to dienstvereinbarung-arbeitszeit"AT"