Part-time / change in hours
This page provides a detailed explanation of all options for pay scale employees and civil servants desiring to change their worktime.
Workweek reduction—part-time
Part-time due to family-related reasons
Pay scale employees
Section 11 subsection 1 of the collective wage agreement for the public sectors of the German states (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder, TV-L) facilitates part-time work due to family-related reasons. Part-time work for up to 5 years is permitted for the stated reasons; an extension is possible.
Civil servants
Pursuant to Section 63 of the Hamburg civil service act, (Hamburgisches Beamtengesetz, HmbBG) civil servants are entitled to part-time work for the care and support of one or more children under 18 years of age or other care-dependent relatives, provided the part-time work does not conflict with pressing service matters.
Part-time work during parental leave
The federal parental allowance and parental leave act (Gesetz zum Elterngeld und zur Elternzeit, BEEG) permits pay scale employees to work up to 30 hours per week during parental leave. The same applies to civil servants, provided the reduction does not conflict with pressing service matters. This is regulated under the Hamburg parental leave regulation (Hamburgische Elternzeitverordnung, HmbEltZVO)
Part-time work due to other reasons
Pay scale employees
Pursuant to Section 8 of the German part-time and fixed-term contract act (Gesetz über Teilzeitarbeit und befristete Arbeitsverträge, TzBfG), pay scale employees can request that their employer allow them to work part-time. Eligibility for part-time work does not require reasons related to childcare or other family-related responsibilities. Other reasons for requesting part-time work may be, e.g., additional qualification and continuing education purposes, health reasons, volunteer work, or transitioning to retirement. Part-time work agreements pursuant to Section 8 TzBfG are always permanent.
Section 11 subsection 2 of the TV-L also allows employees to request part-time work for reasons not family-related. The employer shall provide all employees an opportunity to jointly discuss the request for part-time work in order to reach a part-time agreement. Part-time work pursuant to Section 11 can be requested permanently or for a fixed term.
Civil servants
Pursuant to Section 62 subsection 1 of the Hamburg civil service act (Hamburgisches Beamtengesetz, HmbBG), civil servants may request a reduction in their regular work hours of up to 50% if this does not conflict with pressing service matters.
Part-time work due to disability
Part-time work eligibility is also delineated in the laws on disability in Section 164 subsection 5 of Book IX of the German social security code (Sozialgesetzbuch, SGB). According to this law, severely disabled persons are eligible for part-time work if the nature or severity of the disability calls for it.
Assessment of working hours
Increase in weekly working hours
Pay scale employees
If you have a full-time employment contract and have agreed to a temporary worktime reduction, your working hours will increase automatically on the expiration of the temporary reduction.
If you have a temporary part-time work agreement, an early return to full-time work requires the employer’s approval.
Part-time employees without a contractual claim to full-time employment cannot request an increase in their weekly working hours. Such requests may only be lodged through the employing institute/department/faculty/office with Human Resources Services. Further information on this topic is available under “Hiring procedure.”
Civil servants
Civil servants are always eligible for full-time employment.
Further information
- Brochure Teilzeit - Alles Was Recht Ist (legal framework for part-time work) by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS) (PDF)
- Part-Time Net Wage Calculator (Teilzeit-Netto-Rechner) by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS)
- Information sheet for civil servants on the consequences of worktime reduction (PDF)
Employees can now use an online form for part-time and work schedule requests. This form allows you to complete your part-time work request (in German only) and submit it electronically to HR Services.
See our information page for details on the new procedure.
If you cannot use the online form, please contact the HR staff member responsible for you. In such cases, HR Services will gladly provide a hard copy form.
Legal basis
Pay scale employees
- Collective wage agreement for the public sectors of the German states (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder, TV-L) on the webpagse of TdL (in German only)
- German part-time and fixed-term contract act (Gesetz über Teilzeitarbeit und befristete Arbeitsverträge, TzBfG) on the webpages of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS) (in German only)
Civil servants
- Section 62 ff. of the Hamburg civil service act (Hamburgisches Beamtengesetz , HmbBG) on the justice portal of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg