Book travel
You will find all the information you need here, from booking plane tickets with the BCD-Travel travel agency through to reserving tickets online and at a discount with the Deutschen Bahn AG (German national rail system) and booking hotel rooms using the hotel reservation system (HRS).
Booking through a travel agency
Thanks to an agreement with the travel agency BDC Travel Germany GmbH, you enjoy a number of advantages when you travel. Using a service number set up specifically for members of the University, you can contact qualified BCD advisors who can help you with all of your travel questions. You will need to register to use this service.
Please note, however, that if you use BCD services, Universität Hamburg will not grant an additional travel expense subsidy.
University staff members can book flights via BCD for their own work-related travel if they submit a completed and authorized work-related travel request (or if they have submitted a work-related travel request).
External contractors or guests are not eligible to use the BCD services.
- Instructions for booking with BCD Travel (PDF, German only)
- Profile questionnaire for use by the BCD Travel Agency (DOC)
For more information, please send an email to reisen.uhh"AT"
Booking a hotel through HRS
Are you looking for the right hotel for your next trip? This won't be a problem thanks to an agreement with HRS–HOTEL RESERVATION SERVICE.
There are 250,000 hotels the world over from which to choose, and all of them offer the lowest room rates. And booking with HRS couldn't be easier. In just three steps, you can find and reserve the right room. Confirmation follows immediately.
The HRS reservation team is available around the clock, seven days a week on +49 221 2077 600.
The advantages at a glance:
- free online booking and immediate confirmation
- guaranteed availability of rooms at advertised rates
- online cancellation and changes online
- extensive choice of hotels around the world
- very low rates
How does it work?
You can book a room quickly and easily via the HRS link for Universität Hamburg. You can find the link and the customer reference number in the PDF flyer (German only) Buchungsanleitung für HRS.
You can save this link to access it anytime you want to book a room.
Hotel costs for work-related travel—special FHH discounts
When booking a hotel for a business trip, use the following list of accommodations that offer special FHH discounts.
When booking accommodations in Hamburg for guests of the University, you can also reserve/book hotels from the Liste mit Rabattvereinbarungen mit der Universität Hamburg (PDF) in addition to the list of accommodations with special FHH discounts.
- Hotelsuchliste nach Städten (PDF)
- Hotelliste Achat (PDF)
- Hotelliste Accor (z.B. Mercure und Ibis) (PDF)
- Hotels der LFPI-Hotelgruppe (PDF)
- Hotelliste MotelOne regulär (PDF)
- Hotelliste MotelOne Messepreise (PDF)
- Hotelliste Trimont (PDF)
- Rundschreiben der Finanzbehörde „Hotelübernachtungen 2023–2024“ (PDF)
When booking business trips for employees of the University, note that the latter also lists accommodations with prices higher than the accepted flat rates for overnight stays of €90 (pursuant to Number 8 of the administrative rules on travel expenses in conjunction with the Hamburg travel expense act (Hamburgisches Reisekostengesetz, HmbRKG) or €70 (according to Number 7.1.3. of the administrative rules in conjunction with the German Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG)).
Find further legal regulations and details at Legal Framework in the Staff Service Portal.
Traveling with Deutsche Bahn (the national rail service)
Travel with Deutsche Bahn (DB) can be booked in various ways:
Individual online booking
You can purchase tickets online at Payment processing fees charged by DB may be reimbursed on travel expense claims.
In addition to paying by credit card, registered DB customers can also pay by direct debit.
Individual booking in a DB Travel Centre or a travel agency offering DB services
If you book a ticket through a DB Travel Centre or at a travel agency offering DB services (e.g., for group tickets), you will need to provide a customer account number for Universität Hamburg, and service fees will be charged. You can find the Universität Hamburg customer account number along with information on booking group tickets in the information sheet on rail travel with DB: Merkblatt Bahnfahrten (PDF).
Rail ticket purchase with corporate credit cards at DB ticket machines or in DB Travel Centres
For many years, the DB business traveler procedure has allowed corporate customers to identify themselves via their personal corporate credit card at DB ticket machines or in DB Travel Centres and thus access their tariffs (FKI procedure).
To purchase tickets online or to book at a ticket vending machine using your BahnCardBusiness, access will need to be activated by a staff member of Section 73: Purchasing and Travel Management. Please contact a staff member of this section directly, or send an email to reisen.uhh"AT"
Booking online
As soon as you have registered, you can book tickets online using the log-in for corporate customers at You may only book tickets using an identification card (BahnCard, credit card, EC/Maestro Card, personal ID). Payment can be made solely using your personal credit card.
You will need to present train personnel with both your identification card and a printout of your online ticket.
What you should also know
- The customer service number is confidential and may only be used for work-related travel. It may not be given to third parties.
- You can only receive a discount if you book using the customer service number.
- You should also use the customer service number to take advantage of all other rail service offers, especially those purchased using a BahnCard.
- Fahrkartenbestellung Deutsche Bahn über Team Dienstreisen (PDF, German only)
- Information sheet on rail travel with DB: Merkblatt Bahnfahrten (PDF, German only)
- Information on collecting preordered tickets from a DB ticket machine: Mit Bahn-Tix vorbestellte Fahrkarten am DB Automaten abholen (PDF, German only)
- Human resources department circular on claiming compensation for delayed or canceled train journeys: Entschädigungsansprüche bei Bahnverspätungen (PDF, German only)
- Attachment 1 on compensation: Entschädigungsansprüche bei Bahnverspätungen (PDF, German only) on the pages of the Federal Ministry of Justice
- Attachment 2 on compensation: Entschädigungsansprüche bei Bahnverspätungen (PDF, German only) on the Beck webpages