Organizational structures for digitalization
As a holistic change process, digital transformation affects and influences all areas of the University: research, studies and teaching, processing and provision of information, and the University-wide administration, but also cross-sectoral areas such as sustainability, technology transfer, knowledge exchange, and internationalization. Each of these areas has specific requirements and needs regarding digital transformation. At the same time, numerous cross-university requirements and needs arise, for example, when it comes to workplace equipment, communication and collaboration tools, and overall core processes.
In order to meet these requirements, develop the existing information and communication infrastructures, and also specifically address diversity at Universität Hamburg, (new) organizational structures for digitalization and information technology have been created. These structures are to initiate, commission, and implement specific digitalization plans and projects as part of the digital strategy.
Organizational structures for strategic direction and management
For the (further) development of strategic prospects for the digital transformation at Universität Hamburg, sounding boards for digitalization and information technology were established in 2020 with the task of advising the Executive University Board and the respective responsible Executive University Board members on strategic issues related to digital transformation.
In addition to an overarching sounding board that meets quarterly to semiannually to discuss university-wide topics, there are 3 more sounding boards that meet monthly in the areas of research, studies and teaching, and administration.
Alongside the strategic decision-makers (Executive University Board) and the responsible heads for the specific work areas, each sounding board also includes 3 user representatives (members of the University). The CDO and CTO are members on all sounding boards.
The CDO as a strategic adviser in the context of digitalization and information technology
Chief digital officer (CDO)
- part of the Extended Executive University Board and head of the Digital Office; coordinates and is responsible for the (further) development of a cross-university, holistic digital strategy with the participation of the relevant stakeholder groups and keeping closely to the University’s overall strategy
- supports and advises the Executive University Board on strategic decisions related to digital transformation
- supports and advises faculties, departments, and other areas on strategic digitalization plans and projects that address their specific needs and requirements
Head: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gerling
Cross-functional sounding board for digitalization and information technology
- overarching committee to strategically manage digitalization projects across all work areas and advise the Executive University Board on digitalization and information technology
- overall assessment of digitalization projects and strategic elements from the area-specific steering committees (compatibility, redundancy, and technical and economic feasibility)
- ensuring that systems are operated securely and in line with overall requirements (capacity and technology)
Head: vice president for research
Members: CDO, CTO, vice president for studies and teaching, head of administration, and 3 user representatives
Meeting schedule: every 3–6 months
Sounding boards for digitalization and information technology for the performance areas of research as well as studies and teaching, and the area of administration
- advising the Executive University Board on strategic direction and strategic issues in the area of digitalization and information technology
- prioritizing digitalization projects in the respective areas
- supporting the (further) development of the digital strategy in the respective areas
Sounding board in research
Head: vice president for research
Members: CDO, CTO, director of the HCDS, head of the RDM, and 3 user representatives
Meeting schedule: monthly
Sounding board in studies and teaching
Head: vice president for studies and teaching
Members: CDO, CTO, head of department for the Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL), head of Section 32 (Campus Management), and 3 user representatives
Meeting schedule: monthly
Sounding board in administration
Head: head of administration
Members: CDO, CTO, head of the Smart Administration Unit, and 3 user representatives
Meeting schedule: monthly
Organizational structures to implement digitalization plans and projects
In alignment with the existing organizational structures and performance areas of the University, specialized units manage, design, and operationalize the digital transformation in research, studies and teaching, and administration. The specialized units perform the following tasks:
- implement strategically relevant digitalization projects in their respective area
- operationalize the digital strategy in their respective area
- bring in strategic ideas through participation in the sounding boards for digitalization and information technology
- process responsibility and project controlling of digitalization projects in their respective area that are carried out by project heads / responsible members of staff outside the specialized units
- Hub of Computing and Data Science (HCDS)
As a central institution at Universität Hamburg—and together with partners from science and research in the metropolitan region—the Hub of Computing and Data Science (HCDS) supports the interdisciplinary research and use of innovative digital methods.
Head: Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann - Center for Sustainable Research Data Management (RDM)
As a central institution, the RDM supports innovative and research-based RDM and provides the research information system for the University. In addition, it supports numerous research-related processes and topics (e.g., Open Access).
Head: Dr. Stefan Thiemann
Studies and Teaching
- Campus Management (CM)
The core responsibility of Campus Management (section 32 of department 3) is ensuring and further developing needs-based physical and digital infrastructure to support core processes in studies and teaching at Universität Hamburg.
Head: Andre Görtz - Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL)
The HUL is a central institution for research, teaching, and advising. It aims to develop empirical findings and theories for university teaching and learning as well as to further develop the practice of teaching and learning.
Head: Prof. Dr. Gabi Reinmann
- Stabsstelle Smart Adminstration (SmA)
The Smart Administration Unit advises and supports all administrative units and the Executive University Board in the organizational development of the University with regard to university-wide digitalization opportunities and in the implementation of large digitalization projects.
Head: Sabrina Fuhrmann
Involvement of the departments
In addition to participation of their representatives in the sounding boards, the departments are involved in the strategy development process via the deans (or the vice deans). In the survey of needs and requirements as well as in the operational implementation of digitalization projects, this is done via specialized units in the areas of research, studies and teaching, and administration, although the interfaces and processes continue to be developed.
Cross-cutting issues: information security and data protection
Apart from the structures described here, there are cross-cutting issues in the area of digitalization and information technology that are addressed separately, for example, by chief information security and chief data protection officers. The working group for information security and data protection (Arbeitskreis für Informationssicherheit und Datenschutz, AK ISD) plays a special role here:
Research group for information security and data protection (AK ISD)
- manages and prioritizes projects, taking into account new threats and compliance requirements
- supports the information security officer