Return-to-Work Program (BEM)
We support you on the road to recovery!
The Return-to-Work Program (Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement, BEM) comprises measures of prevention, workplace health promotion, and rehabilitation. It enables employees recovering from long-term or severe illness to transition back into work—step-by-step if necessary. Eligible employees benefit from the BEM program in various ways, in particular through
- inspection of their workplace conditions;
- modifications of tasks and responsibilities to their specific health needs;
- and support, as soon as there are signs of a recurrent or new illness.
Our goal is to provide guidance for your smooth return to work.
“BEM helps you help yourself.”
Our counseling services are based on the staff support services code of Universität Hamburg. All information and discussions are kept confidential.
As a rule, our counseling is supportive, open-ended and non-judgmental. If your ability to work suffers from professional and/or private stresses, we provide solution-oriented counseling to maintain or restore your ability to work.
We ensure strict confidentiality. No personal information communicated within the framework of the BEM program will be included in your personnel file.
Our Health Management Team coordinates the BEM and gladly assists you with any questions on the BEM or the Hamburg Model of gradual reintegration.
Important information
- BEM counselors at Universität Hamburg
- Information sheet on conducting gradual reintegration in accordance with the Hamburg Model (or accessible PDF)
- Faltblatt des Personalamtes zum Betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagement (PDF)
- BEM-Leitfaden für Vorgesetzte und Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter (PDF)
- BEM-Leitfaden Band II: Rechtliche Hinweise für Personalabteilungen
- German-language BEM information on the webpages of the human resources department of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
- Assistive device procurement