As a rule, permanent appointments require submission of an Ausnahmeantrag zur Stellenbesetzung (application for exemption when hiring, DOCX); for the University Administration [SharePoint], which must be approved by the University management. Contact Team 722 for all questions about the exemption when hiring procedure, especially if you are unsure whether this is required. Submit the application for exemption via the responsible resources manager from Team 641 in Section 64.
This procedure applies to all technical, library, administrative, and academic positions that are not only funded from external sources. Applications with special job advertisement requests when (re-)hiring professors must be submitted to Unit B and require approval from the Executive University Board.
Find out more about the application for exemption when hiring procedure on the “Hiring procedure” page.
If your application for exemption is approved, the vacancy can be advertised or, if necessary, an Antrag auf Ausschreibungsverzicht (application to waive advertisement) be submitted. Refer to “Job ad / waiver of advertisement” for details about these options.
When is it necessary to submit an application for exemption when hiring?
It needs to be submitted
- when (re-)hiring for a permanent position (this includes removing the time limits on the contracts of staff previously in fix-term positions);
- when appointments are accepted provided the vacancy is to be filled permanently;
- furthermore, in the University Administration and the central institutions (such as the Botanical Gardens, HUL, RRZ, and the ZfW) and when (re-)hiring technical and administrative staff (TVP) for time-limited positions.
When is it not necessary to submit an application for exemption when hiring?
- For replacements for staff taking statutory maternity leave, parental leave, and the orientation period required for these
- for replacements for staff on sick leave or granted a time-limited EU retirement period (without the option of taking over the position if the sick staff member leaves permanently)
- for replacements when staff members reduce working hours to care for a child under 18
- for replacements when staff members reduce working hours to care for other relatives
- for fixed-term contracts funded from external funding overhead
- for fixed-term employment funded from Higher Education Pact (HSP) funding
- for fixed-term employment funded from income
- for appointments that have been accepted and lead to fixed-term contracts
- for positions with fixed-term contracts for academic staff in the faculties
- for vocational training (apprentices, interns)
- for funding changes within the budget area which affect the position and person; an application for exemption must be submitted, however, in case of changes to the budget area financing